November 29, 2011
The Brü Revü – Avery White Rascal
Avery is a micro-brewery out of Colorado that makes several high quality beers, and their White Rascal Belgian White (or wheat beer) is another good one. Belgian wheat beers are not usually high on my list, but on this occasion the White Rascal really hit the spot. It poured a clear golden color with the distinct Belgian yeast aroma of bananas and bubble gum. For being a lighter looking beer the mouthfeel was quite full and chewy and the taste was full and complex. There were hints of clove, banana, and yeast with a bit of orange as well. There was a lot going on in this beer that I found really enjoyable and refreshing. While I don’t always want a Belgian wheat, when I do I will definitely look for the White Rascal.
November 22, 2011
The Brü Revü – Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale
The Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale is dedicated to the celebration of the brewery’s 20-day suspension in 2005 following a party at the brewery or something like that. Anyways, bad for them good for us! This is another strong beer from Lagunitas both in terms of alcohol and flavor. It pours a dark amber with good carbonation and a strong aroma of hops and toffee. The taste has the usual Lagunitas’ hops balanced with a good malt and caramel backbone. This is definitely a full-bodied beer with a strong complex flavor that I thoroughly enjoyed. Lagunitas continues to impress!
November 17, 2011
The Brü Revü – Stone IPA
I got a case of the Stone IPA from CostCo, and although they don’t store their beer cold, which is a big no no, I couldn’t pass it up. The Stone IPA is the definition of a West Coast IPA, and it’s all hops! The hops are fresh and citrusy with a slight malty sweetness. It poured a nice golden body with a creamy head. This is an easy drinking IPA which I will have no trouble taking down a case. While I don’t hold it up there with Alesmith’s or Ballast Point’s IPA, it’s a close second. I have a lot of respect for Stone as a brewery and their IPA lives up to their great reputation.
Brü Revü,
India Pale Ale,
Stone Brewing
November 14, 2011
The Brü Revü – Lagunitas New Dogtown Pale Ale
The Lagunitas New Dogtown Pale Ale really impressed me. I don’t usually pick a Pale Ale, as I would prefer an IPA, but I found the Dogtown Pale Ale a creamy and smooth Pale Ale that I drank easily. It had an amber pour with a creamy head and good hop aroma. It had that signature Lagunitas hop flavor with a bit of toasted malt to keep it balanced. This is another excellent beer from Lagunitas and one I would definitely keep on hand.
November 10, 2011
The Brü Revü – Alesmith Yulesmith (Summer)
Yulesmith is another great Alesmith beer I brought back from San Diego. They make the Yulesmith twice a year, in the summer and the winter. The summer version is an Imperial IPA and it is fantastic! Yulesmith hits all the right IPA notes with a good strong hop aroma and flavor with a nice malt backbone and a hint of vanilla that gave it a slightly sweet finish. It was a well-balanced beer that was velvety smooth with a rich complex flavor. It was highly drinkable despite the high alcohol content and one that I wish I could get regularly, but unfortunately it’s not available in Texas. There is not much else to say about the Yulesmith other than it was amazing!
November 7, 2011
Beer Bums Meeting – November 2011 – Sam Adams Beers
An all Sam Adams Bums Meeting. One of the earliest and largest craft brewers and possibly the largest American owned beer company in the United States. This was a great group of beers and the Wee Heavy knocked my socks off!
Next Month, December – Beer Bums Christmas Party!
Next Month, December – Beer Bums Christmas Party!
November 4, 2011
The Brü Revü – Lagunitas Maximus
The Lagunitas Maximus is another beer from a recent Bums meeting featuring Lagunitas beers, and is their version of an Imperial/Double IPA. It poured a golden amber with a strong fruity hop aroma. The Maximus had a good grapefruit hopiness with a sweet malt backbone that helped round out the flavor. This is a really nice IIPA that is more on the citrusy hops side. I am having trouble finding a bad Lagunitas beer, and the Maximus may be my favorite so far.
November 2, 2011
Pint Glass Nights - November
Misc. pint glass nights around Austin for November. Buy the beer, keep the glass.
Gingerman – Mondays, at 6 PM
Nov. 7 Newcastle
Nov. 14 Big Sky Moosedrool
Nov. 21 Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout
Nov. 28 Sierra Nevada Celebration
Draft Pick – Tuesdays, at 6:30 PM
The Tavern – Tuesdays
Zax Pints and Plates – Wednesdays, at 6 PM
Nov. 2 Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale
Nov. 9 St. Feullien
Nov. 16 Real Ale Coffee Porter
Nov. 23 $3 Any American Craft Beer (No Glassware giveaway)
Nov. 30 Thirsty Planet
Flying Saucer - Wednesdays, at 7 PM
Nov. 2 Breckenridge Vanilla Porter
Nov. 9 Newcastle Brown Ale
Nov. 16 Brooklyn Winter
Nov. 23 Flying Saucer Turkey of the Year, featuring Dogfish Head Punkin’
Nov. 30 Orval
Draught House – Wednesdays
November 1, 2011
The Brü Revü – Oskar Blues Old Chub
Oskar Blues has several high quality craft brews in a can and the Old Chub is their version of a Scotch Ale. When I opened the can it seemed flat as there was none of that carbonated swoosh. It poured a deep dark mahogany almost like a Cola with little head that dissipated quickly. The aroma was of sweet malt and toffee and the taste continued the sweet malt with a hint of chocolate. It had a medium to full body and was very smooth, although slightly boozy. Not overly complex, but highly drinkable. I haven’t had a Scotch Ale in a long time and I thoroughly enjoyed the Old Chub, although it did get a little sweet to me at the end. If the Old Chub is any indication, Oskar Blues is definitely giving canned beer a good name.

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