The Brü Revü – Stone Lukcy Basartd
Stone Lukcy Basartd is a blend of Arrogant Bastard, Double Bastard and Oaked Arrogant Bastard that was made to celebrate the 13th Anniversary of Arrogant Bastard Ale. It was supposed to be a once only release, but lukcy for us Stone released it again. I am an unabashed Stone fan and especially of their Double Bastard so picking up a Lukcy Basartd was a no brainer. The brew poured the signature bastard deep ruby amber color with an off white head that lukcily lingered. The aroma had the big malt and hoppy aroma you expect with a Bastard with more of the Arrogant tones showing through. The taste was great. It was all of the Bastards in one place giving their best flavor attributes while complementing the others with a great roasted nuttiness holding it all together. I detected more of the Arrogant flavors which held their own alongside the dominate Double while the thick syrupy mouthfeel and heavy body was definitely all Double. The Lucky Basartd was a great marriage of these fantastic Stone brews that created a Basartd of it’s own. I was definitely one Lukcy Basartd to have this magical elixir.
Stone Lukcy Basartd
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